Do slimming teas work? Five reasons you should add slimming teas to your weight loss journey

Do slimming teas work? Five reasons you should add slimming teas to your weight loss journey

In this blog, we will discover- 

  • What are slimming teas?
  • Five reasons you should try slimming teas now! 
  • Five slimming teas that speed up your weight loss. 
  • Side effects and health concerns related to slimming teas 

Whether it's a new year's resolution or that sudden 2 AM urge to make life-changing decisions, losing weight is one of those goals that is easier said than done.
As a rule of thumb, weight loss is 25% exercise and 75% diet.
So just getting sweaty and sore will not give you your dream body, a proper and well-balanced diet is, in fact, more vital.
Yes, sticking to diet plans, drinking protein shakes, and being consistent with a clean diet is the right way. But what if we tell you that some natural herbs and spices can help you shed those extra pounds if taken regularly?
For those of you looking for natural alternatives to your beverages that also help you shed fats, Slimming teas are where your search ends. 

What are slimming teas? 

Slimming teas are marketed as a way to lose weight and also cleanse and detox the body.  

Slimming teas are usually blends of green, black, herbal, and additional ingredients that might help weight loss.

Five reasons you should try slimming teas now!

The herbs in most slimming teas and the tea leaves themselves are said to work as,  

  1. Appetite suppressants 
  2. Metabolic boosters
  3. Detox

There are many claims regarding the positive results of slimming teas. If you are still in a dilemma on whether you should try slimming teas, here are five reasons to why you should try slimming teas now

Slimming teas boost metabolism

Slimming teas are made with a focus on weight loss. The ingredients chosen affect the fat-burning process. Many types of research suggest that tea may directly aid weight loss. The catechins present in the tea are responsible for many of its health benefits. Also, the tea brewing process does not include the addition of sugar (unless preferred by the drinker), thus helping the drinker choose a sugar-free healthy beverage. 

Slimming teas boost metabolism 

An increase in body metabolism means faster burning of fat and calories in the body. Combining these effective slimming teas with good workouts and a clean diet will surely help you reach your desired weight scale.  

Slimming teas help detox the body

Most herbs and teas used to make slimming teas help clean the body of extra fat and water; they also detox the body and help keep it healthy.  

Slimming teas for glowing skin

A significant number of antioxidants and other herbs promoting good skin health make slimming tea a great way to keep your skin happy and glowing. The antioxidants that fight the free radicals and thus help slow cell disintegration helps slow skin aging; thus, slimming teas act as excellent anti-aging.

Slimming tea boosts metabolism

Catechins, a compound with potent antioxidant properties, make teas a super drink. The additional herbs and spices in the slimming teas make them a powerful immunity booster.

Five slimming teas that help with weight loss. 

  1. Green teas

The caffeine and catechin (a type of antioxidant) present in green teas are found to speed up body metabolism. Catechin might help the body break down extra fat and help the body use extra energy.

  1. Herbal teas

Many herbal teas are specially formulated for weight loss. Slimming teas are mostly herbal—an effective combination of fresh and natural ingredients. 

Some of the best slimming teas online are - 

1. Slim Blend Loose Leaf Tea

2. Colon Cleanse Tea

  1. Oolong tea

The polyphenols in the oolong teas and the caffeine in the tea make a powerful combination that burns calories efficiently and faster. 

A regular intake of Oolong teas thus might aid your weight loss.

  1. Matcha

Though matcha is a green tea extract, it has garnered a distinct reputation.  

Studies have shown that regular drinking matcha tea and regular exercise increase fat burn by 17%.

  1. Black tea

The diuretic properties of black tea help the body eliminate excess water and bloating. It also acts as an appetite suppressant and might help you avoid fattening snacks between meals.

Side effects and health concerns related to slimming teas 

Slimming teas have created a buzz among those who want to lose weight. There are many purported health benefits and positive effects of slimming teas, but the herbal and other additional ingredients might not suit some people or situations.  

Some health concerns related to slimming teas are - 


Senna, a natural laxative, is used in some slimming teas.  

The continuous intake of a such laxatives may result into- 

  • cramping 
  • nausea 
  • diarrhea 
  • constipation 
  • weak digestive tract 
  • low level of potassium


Many slimming teas contain diuretics that help remove excess tissue water and bloating. Excessive intake of diuretics may lead to - 

  • dehydration 
  • muscle cramps 
  • electrolyte loss and fluctuations 


Still, more studies are required for slimming teas, but teas like green teas and some herbal ingredients have shown positive results.  

We'd suggest you consult your health practitioner before trying any new ingredients.  

Still, more studies are required for slimming teas, but teas like green teas and some herbal ingredients have shown positive results. 

We'd suggest you consult your health practitioner before trying any new ingredients. 

Note - The articles' opinions are based on journals and some studies published online and should not be taken as professional knowledge. Please consult a health expert if any doubts. 

For slimming teas and many other health-related herbal teas visit the website-

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